Member of the European Parliament
Niki Tzavela is a Former Greek MEP in the European Parliament. She served as Vice-Chair of the Delegation for Relations with the United States of America and Vice-Chair of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group in the European Parliament. She was a member as well as coordinator of the Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy and a Member of the Delegation for EU-Israel relations. Ms. Tzavela is the European Parliament rapporteur in the following reports; “European Broadband: investing in digitally driven growth (2010-2011),” “Industrial, energy, and other aspects of shale gas and oil (2012-),” and on “Energy roadmap 2050, a future with energy (2012-)”. She has also been a MP in the Greek parliament between 1994 and 1996 with the New Democracy Party. Present situation: Member of the New Democracy Party.
Former non political positions include Head of the Greek Manpower Employment Organization (1989-1993), Vice-Chair of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games Organizing Committee (OEOA), a Vice-Chair of the Kokkalis Foundation, an NGO based in Greece with a mission to promote cooperation and education initiatives in Southeastern Europe, East Mediterranean and the Middle East (1996-2009). She ran the Kokkalis Foundation Program for Southeastern Europe at Kennedy School Harvard University for 12 years. Mrs. Tzavela has been Executive Director for International Development of the Antenna TV Group S.A (2007-2009), Vice President of BoD of INTRACOM S.A. Hellenic Telecommunications and Electronics Industry (2007-2009), and Vice President of the Latsis Foundation.
Niki Tzavela attained her Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Psychology from Howard University in Washington, DC and her Master’s in Labour Economics from Leeds Technical University.
She is a fellow of the Eisenhower, Adenauer, Fulbright Foundations, American Field Service fellow, as well as a Board Member of the Arab International Women’s Forum. Furthermore, Ms Tzavela was a member of the Dean’s Council at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard (1998-2009).